TPB launches new register upping transparency

The TPB’s new register is expected to improve transparency for the general public by including more details of practitioners who have been sanctioned for misconduct.

by | 2 Mar, 2020

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The Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) has announced improvements to its register to support both consumers and professional tax advisers.

In publicising the changes, TPB chair Ian Klug AM said the upgrades were specifically targeted at protecting consumers and practitioners doing the right thing.

“Nearly three-quarters of all taxpayers rely on tax practitioners to get their taxes right. The vast majority of these practitioners act with integrity and professionalism. We have updated our public register so that the community can more easily find registered agents who can be trusted,” said Mr Klug.

Anyone using the services of a tax agent, or considering engaging a new one, is urged to check the register to avoid the risk of potentially being exposed to fraud or unexpected tax liabilities and penalties, potentially running into thousands of dollars.

The new TPB register is expected to improve transparency for the general public, including more details of practitioners who have been sanctioned for misconduct, and for others who have resigned or surrendered their agent’s registration.

The TPB register allows community members to make more informed choices about the right adviser.

It is also skewed towards improving integrity, guarding against unregistered advisers and those who engage in misconduct.

The new register is available here.

In December last year, the TPB announced it is introducing a more streamlined renewal process for tax practitioners as part of its IT overhaul over the next three years.

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