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  • IPA to address competitiveness of small business at upcoming conference

IPA to address competitiveness of small business at upcoming conference

The IPA Deakin SME Research Centre is hosting the 2019 Small Business: Big Vision Conference in Melbourne in September.

by | 4 Aug, 2019

IPA to address competitiveness of small business at upcoming conference

Supported by the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the IPA Deakin SME Research Centre is hosting a conference to explore the creation of Australia’s small business ecosystem.

The three-day event, held from 4 to 6 September, will address the five pillars of the SME economy, which are vital to improving the competitiveness of Australian businesses, lifting productivity growth and improving living standards, said the CEO of the Institute of the Public Accountants (IPA), Andrew Conway.  

“Australian productivity growth is in a state of long-term decline. This requires ongoing reform to avoid putting our future living standards at risk,” said Mr Conway.

“Re-energising the Australian economy requires a greater focus on financial capital, human capital, regulation, innovation and trade/internationalisation.

“Please join us on 4-5 September in Melbourne to make a difference.”

The 2019 Small Business: Big Vision Conference brings together some of the most influential international speakers in the small business environment, including the senior adviser to the US Office of International Trade at the Small Business Administration, Eugene Cornelius jnr.

Other guests include award-winning author and teacher Dr Ayman El Tarabishy, ICSB president-elect Dr Winslow Sargeant, as well as a range of local experts and professors from Deakin University.

Be a part of:

  • Setting a new SME agenda for the Australian government;
  • Reforming small business policy;
  • Boosting small business productivity for the sake of our economy;
  • Giving life to financial sustainability; and
  • Enhancing the sustainability of Australian SMEs.

When: Wednesday, 4 September to Friday, 6 September 2019

Where: Deakin University Downtown, Tower 2, 727 Collins St, Docklands, Melbourne, VIC 3008, Australia

For more information and to register go to: www.publicaccountants.org.au/smallbusinessbigvision

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