FVS alert system now in operation

The Australian Tax Office recently began issuing fund validation service (FVS) alerts to advise funds, administrators, service providers and users of the FVS, of critical issues that may impact SuperStream contributions and/or rollovers processing.

by | 12 Oct, 2021

FVS alert system now in operation

The ATO will issue these alerts to the contact email address listed for USIs on the FVS, service providers and administrators who support SuperStream transactions.

All funds need to ensure their contact email address listed against each USI on the FVS is current and accurate. This is to ensure that funds receive these alerts and are provided with the necessary information.

The first FVS Alert 001/2021 was issued on 28 September 2021 to advise there are incorrect end dates that affected a large number of USIs.

If you would like a copy of this alert or would like to be subscribed to receive these alerts, please email SPREnablingServices@ato.gov.au

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