Domestic violence impacting small business

More than half of small-business owners suspect or have observed one of their colleagues is experiencing domestic violence according to a survey from Domestic Violence NSW and My Business.

by | 20 Nov, 2022

Domestic violence impacting small business

The survey found that 54.8 per cent of SMEs suspected or observed domestic violence with the main kinds being controlling behaviour and emotional abuse followed by verbal threats and physical violence.

The survey of 400 business owners online was conducted in March and April 2022.

“We know domestic violence is a scourge on Australian society and this shows its huge impact in the workplace too,” said Phil Parisis, general manager of product and sales at My Business, Australia’s largest business organisation.

“Worryingly, almost one in three business leaders didn’t consider themselves to be well equipped to help a domestic violence victim in the workplace or to manage the negative impact on the organisation itself.”

Mr Parisis said businesses have an important role to play in the response to domestic and family violence (DFV) by providing safe and respectful workplaces, promoting policies that contribute to gender equity, providing information and support to staff, and flexibility for staff experiencing DFV so they can remain engaged in the workplace.

“This should also include helping to provide dignity and financial independence to victim-survivors,” said Domestic Violence NSW chief executive Delia Donovan.

The survey also investigated the impact domestic violence has on businesses with more than 40 per cent of respondents indicating they have suffered financially.

“The My Business survey highlights how crucial it is to equip managers, HR departments and, most importantly, staff, in safely responding to domestic and family violence disclosures. It’s also vital businesses have the right policies and practices to support victim-survivors. This is especially important with the introduction of 10 days paid leave next year where these conversations may increase,” said Ms Donovan.

The statistics showed that 25 per cent of Australian women have experienced domestic or family violence and on average one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner.

A 2016 report found DFV costs the business sector $1.9 billion a year in absenteeism and administrative costs.

“This survey shows it’s not just an issue that relates to the home, this is a workplace issue too. If a person is living with a DFV issue it will continue to impact them when they go to work,” said Mr Parisis.

Domestic Violence NSW recommends the following nine steps for employers to help victims/survivors:

  • Provide a safe workplace that promotes respect and gender equity
  • Provide opportunities for employees to disclose their experience of domestic and family violence and seek support if they choose to
  • Avoid pressuring employees to talk about domestic and family violence if they do not want to 
  • Provide information for employees on where they can obtain help
  • Protect the privacy of employees experiencing domestic and family violence
  • Be flexible to support people experiencing violence to maintain their employment
  • Recognise how difficult it can be for victims/survivors to leave an abusive relationship
  • Recognise that the period leading up to and after a victim/survivor leaves can be the riskiest in terms of their safety
  • Proactively learn about domestic and family violence, share information with employees, and contribute to efforts to prevent violence and increase gender equity
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