You can find out more about Star Grants at
Small steps for big ideas are especially welcome, as pilot or scoping studies, because many good ideas start small. Projects relevant to regional or rural areas are also encouraged.
Recent examples of funded projects include the Training Program to Combat the Shortage of Skilled Surveyors, Assuring Quality in Criminal Advocacy and a Risk Management tool for small to mid-sized accounting practices.
A growing number of Australian occupational associations are striving to improve professional standards in their field of work, which is coupled with a desire to improve consumer protection. Both efforts are rewarded by Cover of Excellence® schemes (administered by the Professional Standards Councils), which limit the occupational liability of members of occupational associations.
Although occupational associations are most likely to lead Star Grant projects, individual members are also encouraged to propose ideas for projects, providing they also have the support of their relevant association.
Star Grants offer financial support for projects conceived by both individual members of Cover of Excellence® schemes, as well as occupational associations administering schemes. The Councils generally consider projects in the range of $10,000 to $100,000 that can be completed within a 12-month period.
The Star Grants program has been supporting innovative projects over the last three years, and recent launched round four of the initiative. The Professional Standards Councils will endeavour to fund projects that meet its criteria, and encourages any professional participating in or administering a Cover of Excellence® schemes to apply.
The Star Grants program was established by the Professional Standards Councils to improve competencies to raise industry standards. The Councils will consider projects that focus on codes of ethics, codes of practice, quality management, risk management, complaints resolution, voluntary mediation, membership requirements and discipline of members.
To discuss the suitability of your project idea, please call the Star Grants Project Officer, Mary McCrudden on 02 8688 7323, or email
About Star Grants
Star Grants are an initiative of the Professional Standards Councils, to pursue improvements in occupational standards. Financial support for projects is offered to both individual members of Cover of Excellence® schemes, as well as occupational associations administering schemes. Applications for the fourth round of grants is open till 28 February 2014. For more information, please visit