Planet Consulting principal consultant Rob Pillans said before accounting firms even consider offshoring they first need ensure they have robust processes and systems in place.
“If you don’t have the right systems or there are reoccurring issues and you send work offshore then it’s going to be even harder to fix when the problem occurs overseas,” said Mr Pillans.
“Therefore most accounting businesses will need to look improving their firm’s technology in addition to using offshoring.”
Mr Pillans said there has been a significant increase in the number of businesses using offshoring in the past two years, particularly among smaller businesses.
“It’s obvious to me that a very large number of relatively small businesses in Australia have embraced this concept of infinite offshoring,” he said.
“We used to consider it as only for the big end of town. A whole range of work can now be digitised and done anywhere and I’ve certainly seen a huge increase in the volume of work being sent offshore.”