ASIC publishes corporate finance regulation report

ASIC has today published its fourth report on the regulation of corporate finance issues in Australia.

by | 29 Feb, 2016

The report, which covers the period July to December 2015, provides companies and their advisers with insights into ASIC’s regulatory approach to the corporate finance sector and aims to assist them with their associated legal and compliance obligations.

The report seeks to emphasise ASIC’s role in facilitating business in Australia while ensuring that standards that benefit the investment community are maintained.

Report 469 ASIC regulation of corporate finance: July to December 2015 provides statistical data, highlights key focus areas, and includes relevant guidance about ASIC’s regulation of:

  • fundraising transactions
  • mergers and acquisitions
  • corporate governance issues
  • related party transactions, and
  • financial reporting

This fourth report discusses a number of regulatory initiatives ASIC has undertaken in relation to emerging market issues, disclosure of historical information in prospectuses, review and monitoring of control transactions and the sunsetting of class orders.

ASIC Commissioner John Price said, “I recommend ASIC’s corporate finance report to professionals working in this space who seek to understand ASIC’s approach to corporate finance regulation. It helps ASIC connect with key stakeholders and complements ASIC’s twice-yearly Corporate Finance Liaison meetings held in capital cities around Australia.”

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