The 10-question cybersecurity self-assessment

Don’t expose your business to cybersecurity threats. Take this short 10-question assessment to find out how well your business is protected.

by | 21 Apr, 2023

Illustration with a padlock and bright lines representing data coming through the lock

It used to be the case that all data was stored on a server in the office. Nowadays, with the advent of the cloud and flexible working arrangements, data can be accessed virtually anytime, anywhere.

This is Director of CyberSage Ned Farhat’s main concern when it comes to cybersecurity protection in today’s landscape.

“The perimeters are no longer well-defined,” he says. “Accountants are responsible for a lot of sensitive client information, plus potentially sensitive commercial information. They might have data in documents that are sitting on a Google Drive or on One Drive, and they could have practice management software that’s stored in the cloud as well.”

He says the first step for cybersecurity protection is to know the location of your data.

“Only once you know how far your footprint extends can you take the necessary measures to protect that data.”

Taking this first step and keeping abreast of cybersecurity risks in general is critical for accountants in organisations of all sizes and structures.

Cybersecurity is an issue that many smaller organisations bypass, says Farhat.

“Larger organisations with dedicated IT departments will prioritise it. It’s the small-medium companies that I’m concerned about because they’re fully focused on running the business and don’t necessarily appreciate their level of exposure to cybersecurity risks.

“But there are smaller criminal players who do go after smaller organisations.”

Remaining vigilant is paramount. This means staff need to be educated about the risks, and how they can protect themselves and confidential client and company data.

To help you ascertain your level of cybersecurity protection, Public Accountant in partnership with Farhat, have designed a short 10-question cybersecurity self-assessment. Take the quiz to find out how your cybersecurity protection fares.


Note: This assessment is designed to give you a high-level insight into your cybersecurity protection. It is not sufficient to determine your cybersecurity protection. For a thorough assessment that’s tailored to your organisation, contact a cybersecurity expert.


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